After completing an agricultural course, Yannick Lopez became a Consultant Technician in Organic Agriculture. In order to strengthen his status, he wished to have field experience to be a credible interlocutor in the eyes of farmers. His professional career has taken him on several farms, on European soil and in the countries of the south.
He then became a technical supervisor and then technical manager on Jardin de Cocagne -insertion sites - (www.reseaucocagne.asso.fr) for many years. Missioned to develop a new production site in vegetable cultivation, he developed and managed a technical work tool on 5 hectares of SAU (Surface Agricole Utile), as head of culture and coordinator of the management team. At the same time curiosity led him to discover spirulina, so he trained to be a producer of this blue algae (Hyères, 2012) and worked on several production sites to make a precise idea of the profession of algoculator.
"We are and become what we eat" (ancient saying)

"During my professional development, I went to work in agricultural structures in Europe and other continents. I was able to take a different look at the different peasant cultures and my own culture."
Through all my experiences, I have acquired a certainty: to be well in their bodies and souls, human beings must re-bind themselves to their land, through - in other words - a healthy and local diet. That's why I want to settle down as an organic farmer and offer foods with good organoleptic qualities and free of pesticides."
through my research and my work in permaculture and agro-forestry, I want to develop a farm with 3 major objectives:
produce nutritious, high-quality food
have no negative impact on this food land
make the most of local natural resources
Our farm is of course open to the public. Guided tours are free, but remember to call us a few days before your visit: we will be more available!