Paulina loves to share the depth and light that meditation and yoga have brought into her life. She started doing yoga just as a physical excercise around 2003. Everything shifted when she did her first 10day Vipassana retreat in 2011. Since then she has done many silent meditation retreats and has also been teaching many yoga teacher trainings, yoga and silent meditation retreats. A new kind of love and depth touched her heart which she is so happy to share now with all of humanity. Paulina has been studying with many different teachers, took two 200-hour Yoga teacher training-courses and in 2017 she finished a 500 hour meditation and yoga teacher training in Hridaya, Mexico.

Floris, born in Belgium, is very dedicated to the path of yoga and is passionate to share it. In Belgium, Floris was fortunate to find Rama Saenen, a very experienced yogi with whom he started his yoga practice in 2008.
Later on, much of his Yogic preparation and experience has been gained In India and Mexico and he has been dedicating a long period of time to his personal Sadhana. Since 2013 Floris has been teaching yoga and has been teaching for many yoga teacher trainings and retreats in Europe and Mexico. Floris has been part of the team of comunidad Om Shanti since 2013.